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  2. Clone this repository
  3. Install Android NDK if you want to cross-compile for Android devices
  4. Invoke make.sh bash script with desired build target
  5. $ ./make.sh - if CC not defined from env use gcc by default
  6. $ ./make.sh gcc - compile with gcc
  7. $ ./make.sh clang - compile with clang
  8. $ ./make.sh cross-android - cross-compile (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 & x86_64) for Android with NDK
  9. Executables are copied under the bin directory
  10. For debug builds use $ DEBUG=true ./make.sh

  1. $ bin/vdexExtractor -h
  2. vdexExtractor ver. 0.5.1
  3. Anestis Bechtsoudis <anestis@census-labs.com>
  4. Copyright 2017 - 2018 by CENSUS S.A. All Rights Reserved.
  5. -i, --input=<path> : input dir (search recursively) or single file
  6. -o, --output=<path> : output path (default is same as input)
  7. -f, --file-override : allow output file override if already exists (default: false)
  8. --no-unquicken : disable unquicken bytecode decompiler (don't de-odex)
  9. --deps : dump verified dependencies information
  10. --dis : enable bytecode disassembler
  11. --ignore-crc-error : decompiled Dex CRC errors are ignored (see issue #3)
  12. --new-crc=<path> : text file with extracted Apk or Dex file location checksum(s)
  13. -v, --debug=LEVEL : log level (0 - FATAL ... 4 - DEBUG), default: '3' (INFO)
  14. -l, --log-file=<path>: save disassembler and/or verified dependencies output to log file (default is STDOUT)
  15. -h, --help : this help
         MAC OS/LINUX/Windows安装Cygwin


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WwdUhtKGmdKXrkzHUFEHRg
提取码: c9ec